To add GeoRenderLayers to any of AzureLib Geo renders, simply add them like so:
/** * Custom renderer class for the {@link ExampleEntity}. * This class handles rendering of the entity, including the addition of special layers like glowing effects. */publicclassExampleRendererextendsGeoEntityRenderer<ExampleEntity> { /** * Constructs a new {@link ExampleRenderer} with the specified rendering context. * Initializes the renderer with the {@link ExampleModel} and adds a glowing effect layer. * * @param context The {@link EntityRendererProvider.Context} used to manage rendering details like texture location and entity animations. */publicExampleRenderer(EntityRendererProvider.Context context) { super(context,newExampleModel());// Adds a glowing layer to the entity's rendering.addRenderLayer(newAutoGlowingGeoLayer<>(this)); }}
You can find the complete list of built-in Geo renders here.