Creating a config

Creating the Config class

Create a new class like so:

@Config(id = "yourmodid")
public class ModConfig {


Once created, simply register your fields for the configs you wish to use. These can only public, non-final and instance fields only. Supported datatypes include:

  • boolean, boolean[]

  • char

  • int, int[]

  • long, long[]

  • float, float[]

  • double, double[]

  • String, String[]

  • Enums

  • Object Objects are used for config nesting/splitting into multiple categories. Just include some @Configurable fields in the nested object instance.

An example of a config is

@Config(id = MyMod.MODID)
public class ModConfig {

    public boolean myBoolean = true;
    public int myInt = 3;

    public int[] myIntArray = {30, 20, 10, 5};

    public CustomEnum myEnum = CustomEnum.SOME_VALUE;

    public NestedObject myNest = new NestedObject();

    public static class NestedObject {
        public double myDouble = 3.14159265359;

Registering the Config


In your mods constructor, add the following:

public static ModConfig config;

public YourMod() {
    config = AzureLibMod.registerConfig(ModConfig.class, 
        //you can use .json or .yaml formats


In your mods Initializer class, add the following:

public static ModConfig config;

public void onInitialize() {
    config = AzureLibMod.registerConfig(ModConfig.class, 
        //you can use .json or .yaml formats

Calling your Config fields

To call your use <YourModInitializerClass>.config.<config_field> where you wish to use it!

Last updated